张劲帆教授获耶鲁大学金融学博士,清华大学电子工程博士,哈佛大学统计学硕士,清华大学电子工程学硕士,清华大学电子工程学学士,北京大学经济学双学位学士;曾担任国际货币基金组织(IMF)经济学家、中国人民银行研究局高级访问学者、长江商学院助理教授,现任香港中文大学(深圳)经济管理学院副教授、博士生导师、金融学博士项目主任,中国证监会中证金融研究院特聘研究员,深圳高等金融研究院宏观金融稳定与创新研究中心联合主任。在国内外顶级经济金融学学术期刊,包括 American Economic Review: Insights, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Financial Economics,Review of Finance和《金融研究》等杂志发表论文多篇。出版著作《危机的逻辑》。研究成果获得"2021香港中文大学(深圳)经管学院杰出学术研究奖";"2019,2020深圳特区金融学会优秀论文奖";"世界经济年鉴编辑部:世界经济统计学2018年最佳中文论文TOP10";"2011美国西部金融年会最佳资产定价论文奖";指导博士研究生获得“2021年第七届全国经济学研究生学术年会优秀论文一等奖”。主要研究方向: 中国经济,资本市场和金融机构,数字经济。
1. Xiao, Yaqing, Hongjun Yan, and Jinfan Zhang, A Global Version of Samuelson’s Dictum, 2021, American Economic Review: Insights, Forthcoming
2. Chang, Jeffery (Jinfan), Huancheng Du, Christopher Polk, Dong Lou, Ripple into Waves: Trade Networks, Economic Activity and Asset Prices, American Finance Association Annual Conference, 2021, Journal of Financial Economics, Forthcoming
3. Yi Ding, Wei Xiong and Jinfan Zhang, Issuance Overpricing of China’s Corporate Debt Securities, 2021, Journal of Financial Economics, Forthcoming
4. Chang, Jeffery (Jinfan), Ting Yang and Yanping Shi, Finance Leases: In the Shadow of Banks, 2021, Review of Finance, Forthcoming
5. Lou, Dong, Hongjun Yan and Jinfan Zhang, 2013, Anticipated and Repeated Shocks in Liquid Markets, The Review of Financial Studies, Volume 26, Issue 8: 1891–1912. (NASDAQ OMX Award for the Best Paper on Asset Pricing at Western Finance Association Annual Conference, 2011)
6. Shen, Ji, Hongjun Yan and Jinfan Zhang, 2014, Collateral-Motivated Financial Innovation, Review of Financial Studies, Volume 27, Issue 10: 2961–2997
7. Hao, Zhuoqun, Yu Liu, Jinfan Zhang and Xiaoxue Zhao, 2020, Political Connection, Corporate Philanthropy and Efficiency: Evidence from China's Anti-Corruption Campaign, Journal of Comparative Economics,Vol 48, Issue 3: 688-708
8. Wang, Xinjie, Xiao, Yaqing, Hongjun Yan and Jinfan Zhang, 2021, Under-reaction in the Sovereign CDS Market, Journal of Banking and Finance, Volume 130, 2021
9. Gang, Jianhua, Liang Peng and Jinfan Zhang, 2020, Are Pricier Houses Less Risky? Evidence from China, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, Sep., 2020
10. 张劲帆, 李丹丹, 杜涣程,2020,《IPO限价发行与新股二级市场价格泡沫——论股票市场“弹簧效应”》, 《金融研究》, 第1期, 190-206
11. 张劲帆,汤莹玮,刚建华,樊林立,2019,《中国利率市场的价格发现——对国债现货,期货以及利率互换市场的研究》,《金融研究》,第1期,19-34 (2020深圳特区金融学会优秀论文奖)
12. 张劲帆,刚健华,钱宗鑫, 张龄琰,2018,《基于混频向量自回归模型的宏观经济预测》, 《金融研究》, 第7期: 34-48。(世界经济年鉴:统计学2018年最佳中文论文Top10; 2019深圳特区金融学会优秀论文奖)
13. 张劲帆,李汉涯,何晖,2017,《企业上市与企业创新——基于中国企业专利申请的研究》,《金融研究》, 第5期:160-175
14. 刚健华, 杜涣程, 刘鹏程, 张劲帆, 2020, 《基于因子模型的商品房住宅价格机制研究》, 《中国软科学》, 第7期:147-156
15. 孟庆斌,黄清华,张劲帆,王松, 2020,《上市公司与投资者的互联网沟通具有信息含量吗?——基于深交所“互动易”的研究》, 《经济学(季刊)》第1期
16. 《危机的逻辑》, 王松,张劲帆,2018,民主与建设出版社
17. 张劲帆,《中国利率市场化必经之路——影子银行、利率双轨制和金融风险》,2014.3,财经网
Chang, Jeffery (Jinfan) and Pengcheng Liu, Famine and Young Leader Boom—China’s 1962-63 Phenomenon, 2021
Chang, Jeffery (Jinfan) and Zehao Liu, Optimal Shadow Banking, 2021 (2021 CIFFP)
Chang, Jeffery (Jinfan), Shiyie Yang and Bohui Zhang, Does Express Delivery Run ahead of Stock Price? , 2021
Gokkaya, Sinan, Xi Liu, Veronika Pool, Fei Xie and Jinfan Zhang, Is There Investment Value in Soft Dollar Arrangements? Evidence from Mutual Funds, FIRS 2019, EFA 2018, CICF 2017
Meng, Qingbin, Xiaoran Ni, and Jinfan Zhang, Share Pledging and Corporate Risk-Taking: Insights from the Chinese Stock Market, China Financial Research Conference (Tsinghua PBCSF), 2019
He, Hui, Hanya Li and Jinfan Zhang, Does Stock Market Boosts Firm Innovation? Evidence from the Chinese Firms, 2019
王先爽,张劲帆,任浥和刘力源, 货币政策的量化度量—兼论“央行缩表”与“货币宽松”的关系(2021年第七届全国经济学研究生学术年会优秀论文一等奖)
Financial Landscape, Risks and Institutional Arrangements for Financial Stability in China, IMF Working Paper 2015
IMF Global Financial Stability Report Chapter 3, Corporate Leverage in Emerging Markets – A Concern? 2015 Fall
Does Stock Market Boosts Firm Innovation? Evidence from the Chinese Firms, IMF Working Paper 2016
IMF South Africa Article IV Staff Report, 2017
IMF Comoros Article IV Staff Report, 2017
IMF Ireland Financial System Stability Assessment, 2016